Your Very Own Personal Financial Advisor In Your Pocket
Our Super Personalized Financial Planning App Helps You Plan For Every Financial Goal
Plan Finances for Your New Home
Budget for Travel
Save for Kids' College
Plan for Retirement
Join the waitlist!

Why Planwell?

Generic personal finance apps do not do a detailed analysis of your personal financial situation, goals and aspirations.

Before you make the big financial decisions of your life, use our app to figure out exactly how much home to buy, how to retire early or enjoy that great lifestyle you’ve always wanted.
What-if scenarios to make the right decisions
If you could reduce your expenses by 20%, can you retire early?
If you buy a larger home, how does that impact lifestyle choices such as travel or buying a Tesla?
If you want to work part time to spend more time with your kids, how will it impact finances?

Find Your Financial Sweet Spot
Find out exactly how much house you can afford - while simultaneously achieving major life goals.​
Retire with a nice nest egg.
Save for kids' college.
Travel the world or follow your passion.

Crunch Real Numbers
Input your exact financial details – income, expenses, assets, loans & generate your full financial plan.
Make tradeoffs between different financial goals and find the right plan for your family.

How It Works.

Step 1
Enter Your Income, Expenses & Other Key Financial Information

Step 2
Specify Your Goals: Retirement, Kids' College, Travel

Step 3
Get Your Own Personalized Financial Plan
& Actionable Recommendations